I'm Diéssica Gurskas. 👋
I immerse myself in nature, sound, cycling, and the wonders of human-computer interaction.
I'm based in ever-changing Berlin, but grew up in never-changing Viamão, a humble town in Brazil which taught me to be resourceful. Whether it was making kites out of bags and twigs, playing DIY football and cricket on muddy dirt roads, or ringing neighbors' doorbells and dashing away, I always enjoyed hacking whatever came my way.
That ultimately led me to unearth a fascination for computers. Back when I hacked my first game and setup a pirate server just so everything was free, I felt empowered by how computers could further help solve our problems. Coming of age, I also realised how they may create new ones. 😉
Having honed my skills, and developed a passion for computer music along the way, I am nowadays a Lead Software Engineer at Native Instruments. I manage web front-end operations and architecture for leading audio companies within Native Instruments, including iZotope, Brainworx and more.
Raised by the internet, I wholeheartedly support and draw on open knowledge to teach myself, experiment, and have fun. I wish nothing but for everyone to empower themselves towards never-ending exploration as I do.